Restrictions of Ehram (Ahram) for Men and Women
Certain things are prohibited in the state of ehram some of these are prohibited even in daily normal life but because of ehram there is a stronger emphasis on these.
Restrictions which apply to both men and women:
1.Hunting animals on land.
2.Carrying weapons
3.Having sexual relations.
4.Kissing women.
5.Touching women with intention of pleasure.
6.Looking at a non-mehram woman with lust.
8.Marrying (Nikkah)
9.Using perfume
10.Applying kajal in eyes.
11.Removing hair from the body
12.Cutting nails
13.Using something with the intention of beautification, even if it is a watch or a ring.
14.Killing worms or lice found on the body.
15.Lying, boasting, abusing, etc.
16.Tooth extraction
Things which are prohibited for men in the state of ehram but allowed for women:
1.Covering of head
2.To wear something that covers the top part of the foot completely example: socks, shoes, etc
3.To wear sewn clothes.
The above mentioned four things are not only allowed for women but if there is a na-mehram onlooker then it will be wajib for her to cover her feet completely even in the state of ehram.
Things are prohibited for women only:
1.To cover the face with cloth, etc.
2.To wear gloves.
All the above mentioned things are haraam in ehram. Performing some of these is a sin and attracts Kaffarah, while performing some others does not attract any penalty however one must do istighfar (repent) for the sin. When Kaffarah becomes wajib it must be paid in Makkah.
Not bypass Miqaat (Meeqat) without ehram (Ahram)
Shariat has clearly defined certain places for wearing ehram, these are called miqaat. One may not bypass these designated areas and proceed to Makkah without ehram.
Ordinarily people proceed to Makkah in one of these three ways:
1.First go to Madinah then proceed to Makkah for Hajj:
When these people leave Madinah they will come across Masjid-e-Shajarah at a distance of 6 miles from Madinah. This is a miqaat from where the Hajj ehram should be worn.
2.First go to Makkah for Hajj then proceed to Madinah:
When such persons reach Jeddah they should proceed to Johfah which is a miqaat and wear the ehram of Hajj from there. However they can, before reaching Jeddah (in their hometown or in the plane) wear ehram.
3.First go to Makkah then go to Madinah then return to Makkah for Hajj:
Such people when they enter Makkah for the first time should wear ehram of Umra-e-Mufrada, then they go to Madinah and when they return to Makkah they should wear the ehram of Hajj at Masjid-e-Shajarah. These people are initially required to wear ehram of Umra-e-Mufrada, because once you have entered Makkah wearing the ehram of Umra e Tamatto you cannot leave Makkah till Hajj is complete, while these people would like to go to Madinah before Hajj.
Waajibaats of Hajj
1.To wear the ehram.
2.To stay in Arafaat on the 9th of zilhijja between noon (zawwal) and sunset.
3.To remain in Muzdalifa on the 10th of zilhijja between dawn (fajr) and sunrise.
4.To throw pebbles on the biggest jamaraah (shaytaan/pillar) on the 10th of zilhijja.
5.To perform Qurbaani (sacrifice) after stoning.
6.To perform Halaqa/Taqseer (women should do only taqseer).
7.To spend half the night of 11th and 12th in Mina.
8.To stone all the three jamaraat on the 11th and 12th zilhijja.
9.Tawaf of Hajj.
10.Salaat of Tawaf.
11.Saee between Safa and Marwah for Hajj.
13.Salaat of Tawaf
Persons on whom Hajj is wajib (Faraz, Fard)
Hajj becomes wajib on anyone who fulfills the following requirements:
1. Is baligh.
2. Has enough time to go to Makkah and perform all the rites of Hajj.
3. Has enough money for travel and other Hajj related expenses. Example: Food, accommodation, qurbani, etc.
4. Should have enough money to give to his dependents so that they can meet their requirements until his return from Hajj.
5. Security i.e. there should be no danger to the pilgrim's life, wealth or honor throughout the journey.
6. Should be healthy enough to perform all the rites of Hajj. He should not have such an illness or weakness that he cannot bear the difficulties of the journey.
7. On return from Hajj he should be able to earn for himself and his dependants.
Hajj will also become wajib if someone else gives you money to meet your Hajj expenses and once you've performed such a Hajj, Hajj will never be obligatory upon you ever again, even if at a later date you are financially able to perform Hajj yourself. Example: A father pays for his baligha daughters' Hajj expenses.
Important Note:
If a person has taken a loan and the loan repayment date has not yet arrived but he has now got enough money to meet Hajj expenses he will first perform Hajj and later repay the loan. Simply being in debt does not waive Hajj.
If a person has some property or assets that are above his social standing, it is wajib upon him to sell them and meet his Hajj expenses.
If a lady has more jewelry than her social standing allows her to keep or she has become so old that she does not need her jewelry she must sell her jewelry and use the money to go for Hajj. Similarly if the lady has enough meher money to meet her Hajj expenses and it is possible for her to obtain her meher then it is wajib for her to demand her meher and go for Hajj.
If a person has only so much money that if he pays the zakat which are wajib on him he will not have enough money remaining for Hajj, then it is wajib upon him to pay the zakat and Hajj will no longer be wajib on him.
If someone is so old or weak that he cannot bear the difficulties of Hajj, then Hajj is not wajib on him. But if Hajj was previously wajib on him and in spite of having the ability he had not performed it, Hajj has to be performed in whichever way possible even if he is now old or weak. And if he is completely unable to perform Hajj then during his lifetime he should send someone else to perform Hajj on his behalf and if this is not possible he should make a will in this regard.
If Hajj becomes wajib on a person and he dies, Hajj expenses must be set aside from the wealth he leaves behind. Without removing this sum, distributing his wealth is haraam and a sin.
When Hajj becomes wajib, it is wajib to discharge
Hajj & Umrah Pilgirms Guide Map
Hajj & Umrah Pilgirms Guide Map
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