When one attempts to conceive the magnitude of the entire Universe, the mind is benumbed. Ponder on the Earth, one minute aspect of the whole. And according to one narration, to ponder on the Greaness of Allah Ta’ala for one second is as if one is worshipping for 80 years.
Magnificence is every where, the tiniest cell, the loftiest mountain, the oceans deep, the "the sky a preserved and protected roof" of seven heavens, all harmoniously attuned to the rhythms assigned to each and every particle by our Generous Creator. How from all the places created by Allah Ta’ala, this one tiny area of Madinah has been ordained to welcome the Most Noble of Men, SallAllahu alaihi wasallam, to impart to the most noble of peoples, his Ummah, the most complete way of living: the Sunnah. Mercy from the Most Merciful, gifting mankind with knowing the purpose of their existence and the ways to happiness and salvation.

Has not the time yet come for those who believe that their hearts should be humble for the remembrance of Allah and for the truth that has descended. (57:16)
I envisage my humble whisperings weaving a diverse fabric of contemporary impressions interwoven with the rich and wondrous stories passed down to us of Allah’s Most Beloved Messenger SallAllahu alaihi wasallam and his Sahabah Radhiallahu anhum. A humble endeavour of portraying facets of living in Al-Madinah Al-Munawwarah through the eyes of my heart. Wandering, roaming, strolling, meandering, journeying over the blessed earth, rocks and dust, where the Best of Creation, SallAllahu alaihi wasallam and his Companions Radhiallahu anhum trod.
BaBloo 923335360546 dawar_arise@yahoo.com
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