In Pakistan round about 80 % People are Muslim . And Other are Christian , Hindus , and little bit of other . In Muslims there are 3 main sects . Sunni 80 % Shia Muslims: 20% Ahmadi 200000Hindus: 3200000 . Main Festivals of Muslim are Eid-ul-Fitter , Eid-ul-Azha , Eid-Mailad-un-Nabi(PBUH) . The Month of Ramadan is a Blessed month for prayer and have fasted . And on All Eids Muslims are together and say Best wishes to each other and give and take gifts . Muslims lets pray five time a day . They together in mosque and say prayer to Allah . on Eid-ul-Azha Muslims sacrificed animals to get happiness of Allah . But Now a days terrorism ruined the real culture of Pakistan . However , we hope to still be all right .Culture Photographs|Pakistan News|Nature Of Photography
Lahore is the capital of Pakistan"s Province Punjab . It is at 2nd number of population category . Its called city of ZINDA DIL People . Lahori People are very lovely . Its also called Garden of Mughals because of its rich Mughal heritage . Its also a historical city of Pakistan . The big places it have Badshahi Mosque , University of Punjab , Independence of Pakistan (Minar-e-Pakistan) , Shahi Qillah .Culture Photographs|Pakistan News|Nature Of Photography
Multan District has a population of over 4.5 million . Its Called city of Sufis due to the large number of shrines and Sufi saints . This is an old city but very beautiful . this is the biggest District of Pakistan . Before some years it was a part of Sindh but after It will include in Punjab . The Satluj River separates it from Bahawalpur and the Chanab River from Muzaffar Garh. The city has grown to become an influential political and economical center for the country, with a dry port and excellenttransport links .BaBloo 923335360546
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